Our company has been engaged in onion trade since 1950’s. We supply products in the desired size and packing to domestic and foreign marker. We market our products in 15 kg, 20 kg, 25 kg and 45 kg sacks.
We also produce short-day summer onions in the Aegean region and long-day storable onions in the Central Anatolian region. Our yearly average cultivation range from 700 decares to 1000 decares.
We sale products to all wholesale markets and plants in line with the demand in domestic market, chiefly to Izmir, Istanbul, Bursa and Manisa.
Being a member of the Uludag Exporters’ Association, our company has recently exported to Balkan countries, including Bulgaria, Albania, Macedonia, and Kosovo.
Our main aim is to offer high-quality, economic and proper products to our customers. We’ve been dealing with what we know about since two generations: ONION SEEDS !
Mr. Vahap AKA
Chef Executive Officer